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Wyld Box Jewelry

Presenting Wyld Box Jewelry, an artisanal brand with a vintage-inspired essence, curated by the discerning eye of Rosanna Fiedler – a trailblazing female entrepreneur whose love for jewelry converges seamlessly with her profound expertise as a vintage collector. Rosanna's fervor for fashion and an unwavering appreciation for distinctive, bold fine jewelry have given birth to a personal collection, a manifestation of her singular style and identity. These exclusive pieces, adorned daily, form an integral part of her narrative.

Boasting over two decades of mastery in buying and wholesale, Rosanna's natural transition into the jewelry realm is a testament to her commitment to empowering dynamic women through her unique vision. WyldBox Jewelry extends an invitation to envelop yourself in pieces that not only mirror your individuality but also resonate with sophistication and artistry. Join us in a celebration of the strength and grace embodied by the modern woman, as we unveil our inaugural Luna Collection.

Wyld Box Woman

She is a cosmopolitan, free spirited professional, that loves fashion, is aware of the latest trends but she buys what she wants when she wants. She loves travelling around the world, exercising and looks after herself. Financially independent, she buys collector's pieces she carefully finds in exclusive retail destinations, wanting to be unique and likes to differentiate herself from the rest.